Understanding Postgres Storage System
I’ve been trying to figure out the internals of Postgres storage system just to understand what has kept it around for so long. In the process, I stumbled upon this...
Using SQLite with Haskell
As a Haskell programmer, it’s quite natural to think about type safety almost always. Even when it comes to doing simplest of the things. There’s a whole bunch of debate...
Clojure. An introduction
Whatever your background, Clojure is almost guaranteed to affect the way you think about programming. - Eli Bendersky I’ve been meaning to start a series on Clojure for quite a...
Dynamic Programming
Dynamic programming is a technique for solving a complex problem by breaking it down into a collection of simpler subproblems. Smaller subproblems are solved only once and stored in a...
Markov Decision Process
In the previous post we saw the what kind of technicalities Reinforcement learning present to us. We know what an agent-environment interface is. We also looked up the reward-punishment process....
Diving deep into Reinforcement Learning
In the previous post I gave an introduction to RL and exlpained very briefly how things are and why is it any different from other machine learning methods. In this...
Reinforcement Learning. What and Why?
Back in 2015, AlphaGo, an AI-powered system played the Game of Go against Mr.Fan Hui and Mr.Lee Sedol, the best players of the game, beating them both. This marked a...